Evolutionary Learning Community (Roundtable) -- Alexander and Kathia Laszlo, August 5, 2002

46th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS), Shanghai, P.R. China, August 2-6, 2002.

Sunday, August 5, 2002, 8:00 a.m., ELC

This digest was created in real-time during the meeting, based on the speaker's presentation(s) and comments from the audience. These should not be viewed as official transcripts of the meeting, but only as an interpretation by a single individual. Lapses, grammatical errors, and typing mistakes may not have been corrected. Questions about content should be directed to the originator. These notes have been contributed by David Ing (daviding@systemicbusiness.org) at the IBM Advanced Business Institute ( http://www.ibm.com/abi ).

SIG since 1999


Kathia Laszlo: The Knowledge, Learning and Society: an Evolutionary Perspective on the Role of Knowledge Management in a Changing World

Questions: how to include the concept of evolution


Isaias Padillo-Pina: Planning of a Virtual Education System for a State-Owned Higher Education Institution

The interests different from corporations?

Isaias Padillo-Pina: Quality Measures of Evolutionary Changes in Systems

Alexander Laszlo: The Challenge of Technology Change for the Design of Evolutionary Learning Community

We can work with nature or against nature.

Connections across papers.

Change for what?

Knowledge sharing and knowledge creation, and the impact on education.

How can we reconnect to nature?

How to relate technology?

How to create the conditions for self-directed evolution (e.g. not the WTO)?

Social capital.

Speed in change of technology

Universities in the monopolization of training.

Consideration a transformation of learning systems from traditional structures to peer-to-peer.

Seeing the future, with rapid change.

Learning, traditionally has been a resource issue, a luxury.

Learning requires energy, and is not a focus when an organization is in survival mode.

Technology relationship to language.

Next section: What have we learned, together?


How to create the support technologies that allow us more collectivity?

Technology creating new language?

Role of certain institutions in society, and the role of corporations, studying the role of universities.

New ways to create new technologies, new ways to use technology.

Knowledge management from the first to third stage. Technology towards human well-being?

Advancing in balance with nature.

ELC as an attractor to help knowledge flow between educational institutions and businesses and societies.

Clarifying learning and evolution.

Dreaming, envisioning and rapid change.

Unintended consequences of knowledge and technology as entropy or catalysts for further learning.

New opportunities in information mining.

Don't see the real challenges. From cellular automata to higher levels. Should look towards what should not happen.

In third world countries, the challenge is not technology, but knowledge-sharing cultures.


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