Critical Systems as a Way to Manage Knowledge -- Fei GAO, August 5, 2002
46th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS), Shanghai, P.R. China, August 2-6, 2002.
Sunday, August 5, 2002, 11:10 a.m., Critical Systems Track
This digest was created in real-time during the meeting, based on the speaker's presentation(s) and comments from the audience. These should not be viewed as official
transcripts of the meeting, but only as an interpretation by a single individual. Lapses, grammatical errors, and typing mistakes may not have been corrected. Questions about content should be
directed to the originator. These notes have been contributed by David Ing ( at the IBM Advanced Business Institute ( ).
School of Knowledge Science, JAIST
What is CST
What is KM?
CST as a way to manage knowledge.
Have many types of knowledge:
knowledge of being
... of doing
... of society
... of humanity
in various disciplines
CST (understanding from Jackson)
View the research object as a system.
See the model and process of modeling, and the environment.
CSI and TSI (Floor ∓ Jackson)
Three commitments:
Critical and social awareness
Human emancipation or improvement
Pluralism at both theoretical and methodological levels.
TSI three phases:
Want to focus on the right questions, right objects
TSI (Jackson, 2000)
Expected outcomes
What is knowledge?
What the knower knows and gains without any judgement -- to oneself.
What is known and gained (with judgement) -- to others
Justified true beliefs (philosophical) or truth -- to all.
Knowledge in western philosophy
Epistemology: nature, origin and reliability of knowledge that justifies true beliefs
Deduction, induction or synthsis.
Polanyi Post-Critical philosophy
Knowledge in social theory
Daniel Bell: a set of organized statement of facts, ideas or thing objectively known.
Nico Stehr in network society: contemporary science
Drucker: in the knowledge economy, is effective or "specialized knowledge"
Knowledge in IT:
Beckman: reasoning about information and data
Turban: organized or analyzed information
Davenport & Prusak: contextual information
Boisot: information extracted from data
Earl, 1994:
Data from events
Information is interpreted from data
Knowledge is tested from information.
To economic organizations, knowledge has two levels:
Personal knowledge: skills and ability one possesses, plus one's value.
Drucker's specialized knowledge,
Organizational knowledge: static substance knowledge and dynamic process knowledge
Static substance knowledge == cookbook, manual, objective, theoretical, public
Dynamic process knowledge == cooking, operation, subjective, technical, commodity
Visionary knowledge
Objective knowledge
Generic knowledge
DPK (related to Human Activity System)
High-autonomy Human Activity Systems (Defined Mission)
Autonomy (Defined Goals)
Deterministic (Defined Process)
KM is to manage the activities of knowledge workers.
Purpose to mine organizatoinal intellectual assets.
From the system methodology approach, need different types of methods to support the different types of knowledge.
[refer to multiple, packed tables]
Organizational SSK: potential approaches are more scientific
Problem contexts in three dimensions:
Unitary / pluralism
Human activity systems
Knowledge managers vs. knowledge workers.
Conclusion from Flood ∓ Jackson:
Can't use a super-method. Can't revert to trial and error. Need to choose a method.
Use of knowledge in planning? Early in the project, need to motivate individual knowledge.
This process is inclouded in the High-Autonomy Human Activity System.
There are some Dynamic Process Knowledge that doesn't rely on information, e.g. piano playing which is training. Do we need something that is not hard systems thinking, soft systems thinking, or
critical systems thinking, that emphasis the embodied knowledge.
The distinction between data, information and knowledge is from Earl.
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