Special Integration Group on Systems Applications in Business and Industry
International Society for the Systems Sciences
at Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, July 2004

[Call for Papers, SIG on SABI] | [Call for Papers, SIG on OTSC]


The Call for Papers 2004 meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences can be found at http://isss.org/2004mtg/2004CALL.htm. From those pages, attention can be drawn to calls from two Special Integration Groups that attempt to minimize conflicting schedules, due to their common audience:

Call for Papers, Special Integration Group on Systems Applications in Business and Industry

Authors are welcomed to share their papers and wisdom on Systems Applications in Business and Industry in Singerian Inquiry sessions at the 2004 ISSS meeting in Asilomar.

The SABI sessions at Asilomar 2004 will follow the approach that proved successful at Crete 2003. The agenda not only allows each author to relate the research that he or she has recently conducted, but to also share in the development of new knowledge by drawing on the wisdom across all participants. A Singerian Inquiry, as described by C. West Churchman in The Design of Inquiring Systems, is a systemic approach that features both multiple perspectives, and the "sweeping in" of new knowledge. Authors and attendees at the Crete 2003 sessions reported great satisfaction in this lightly structured, free flowing approach to conversation.

Prior to the meeting, ...

At the meeting, ...

After the meeting, digests are posted on the Internet, and audio recordings may be available on CD-R. The artifacts from Crete 2003 are available at http://systemicbusiness.org/digests/sabi2003.

Authors who require more than five minutes to present their papers should not designate their papers for the SABI stream. The chairs of the streams on Organizational Transformation and Social Change, Human Systems Inquiry and Evolutionary Development aim to work together to appropriate place papers, and work through scheduling challenges.

Interested authors may contact the SABI SIG Chair, David Ing (mailto:sabi@systemicbusiness.org) for more information.

When submitting an abstract, please ensure that it is flagged specifically for the SABI stream.

Call for Papers, Special Integration Group on Organizational Transformation and Social Change

A Special Integration Group (SIG) sponsored by Centre for the Creation of Coherent Change and Knowledge for the International Society for the Systems Sciences.

The development of organisational theory through more traditional areas like human resource development and management systems and their convergence has led to some interesting developments in recent years. Organisational theory has at its base the ideas that were developed within sociology that had the interests of societies. Interestingly, as the subject has developed, ideas are now being fed back into sociology that have impact upon the way we see societies. The distinction between societies and organisations is now expressible in terms scale, boundary and focus.

There is a change imperative for autonomous organisations that pursue their own purposes and interests, and over time take actions that interactively define where they are going in the complex world in which they exist. Their future pathways are often influenced by change that may either derive from within the organisation, or externally. It is in such conditions that there is an imperative to manage the change process that derives from both competitive and evolutionary influences. Complexity attends us as we globalise, and during this process the need to deal with complexity through change is important. Change is increasingly a strategic agenda item in many organisations in both public and private sectors. It may be incremental, but a continuing process of incremental change can mean that its tracking and coherence can be lost, and worse, it can seriously weaken an organisation. It may be radical, which occurs when an organisation needs to determine new purposes in the way it addresses competitive and environmental change, often resulting in new structures, processes, and a need for management cohesion and knowledge integration. It can also be transformational, involving a paradigm shift for the organisation.

Fundamentally, a way of dealing with complexity and change is for organisations to become intelligent, aware of themselves, reflective, and participatory. Some methodologies exist to help this to develop, but much more research and inquiry is required. More on this can be found at:http://www.intellectbooks.com/journals/otsc.htm.

SIG CO-CHAIRS: Maurice Yolles, David Ing
V.P. for Research and Publications
Centre for Creation of Coherent Change and Knowledge
John Foster Building
Liverpool John Moores University
Liverpool L3 5UZ
eMail: c4k.world@ntlworld.com ; m.yolles@livjm.ac.uk


Note that abstracts and papers must be sent to the Program Committee Chair, Dr. Arne Collen, ISSS Vice President for Membership and Conferences; acollen@saybrook.edu. Please refer to the Call for Papers at http://isss.org/2004mtg/2004CALL.htm for full information.

This web page should be updated in March or April, as the abstracts have been reviewed.


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