"Employment Generation Potential of New, Technology-Based Firms During a Recessionary Period: The Case of Finland"


Erkko Autio and Annaleena Parhankangas


This article analyzes the employment generation potential of new, technology-based firms during a recessionary period. The empirical data is from Finland, a country that was hit particularly hard by the economic recession between years 1990 and 1993. In spite of the recession, the number of NTBFs (new, technology-based firms) rose by 17% from 1986 to 1993. In traditional manufacturing industry branches, the overall employment fell by as much as 33% during the same period. Alternative hypotheses to explain the increase in the importance of NTBFs are presented and discussed in the light of research findings. Both flexible specialization and recession-push hypotheses receive support in the empirical data.

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Erkko Autio and Annaleena Parhankangas, "Employment Generation Potential of New, Technology-Based Firms During a Recessionary Period: The Case of Finland", Small Business Economics, Volume 11, Issue 2, (September 1998), pp 113-123.

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