In Cancun last July, I was at an ISSS dinner hosting Jim Spohrer, whom the society was featuring as a plenary speaker. In a moment when the others (G. A. Swanson, Michael Jackson, Brian Hilton) were chatting with Jim about something else, I mentioned to Jennifer Wilby that she and I spend so much time working on ISSS administration issues that we actually never get around to discussing systems science. This morning, on a telephone call about my upcoming visit to the University of Hull, we actually got close to discussing real content!
daviding March 26th, 2006
Posted In: hierarchy theory, sustainability
Tags: Brian-Hilton, collapse, collapse-of-complex-societies, G.-A.-Swanson, hierarchy theory, Jared-Diamond, Jennifer-Wilby, Jim-Spohrer, Joseph-Tainter, Michael-C.-Jackson, sustainability, Timothy-F.-H.-Allen, University-of-Hull, University-of-Wisconsin