Systemic Business

A community with an interest in a systemic approach to business

Publications by Ian Simmonds

Publication Date Publication Title Author(s) Form
May 2004 "Plans, Organizational Identity, and Mediating Spaces in Inter-organizational Relations" [abstract + paper] Senem Guney, David Ing, and Ian Simmonds conference proceedings (in review)
July 2003 "Governance and the Practice of Management in Long-Term Inter-Organizational Relations" [abstract + paper] David Ing, David Hawk, Ian Simmonds and Marianne Kosits conference proceedings
July 2003 "Anticipating Organizational Competences for Development through the Disclosing of Ignorance" [abstract + paper] David Ing, Minna Takala and Ian Simmonds conference proceedings
Aug. 2002 "Enabling Collective Knowledge Work through the Design of Mediating Spaces: A Framework for Systemic Socio-Informatic Change" [abstract + paper] David Ing and Ian Simmonds conference proceedings
July 2002 "Networking Your Knowledge Workers: Collaborative Communities of Mobile Business Professionals" [abstract + article] Greg Lowes, David Ing, Ian Simmonds and Juen Lau newsletter article
April 2002 "Enabling Collective Knowledge Work through the Design of Mediating Spaces" [abstract + slides] David Ing and Ian Simmonds presentation slides
Oct. 2000 "A Dance of Creation and Dissemination: Changing Perspectives on Business System Design and Language within and across Communities of Practice" [abstract + paper] Ian Simmonds and David Ing research report
May 2000 "Managing by Wire, Revisited" [abstract + paper] David Ing and Ian Simmonds white paper
May 2000 "Communities and Conversation Support: Rethinking the Design of Organizations and Information Systems, Learning from Pattern Languages" [abstract + paper] Ian Simmonds and David Ing research report
Apr. 2000 "Making Accountability Visible Using IT: From Command-and-Control to Bounded, Empowered Coordination" [abstract + paper] Ian Simmonds and David Ing conference proceedings
Mar. 2000 "A Shearing Layers Approach to Information Systems Development" [abstract + paper] Ian Simmonds and David Ing research report
Oct. 1999 "A Layered Context Perspective on the Design of Enterprises and Information Systems" [abstract] Ian Simmonds and David Ing book chapter
June 1999 "Designing Natural Tension into the Design of Adaptive Enterprises -- "Context and Coordination" in the Sense & Respond Organization" [abstract + paper] David Ing and Ian Simmonds conference proceedings
Aug. 1998 "Separating Context and Coordination: Lessons from design wisdom and social theory leading to adaptivity and adaptability through shearing layers" [abstract + paper] Ian Simmonds and David Ing research report

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